Chiropractor Makes Small Fortune By Making One Small “Adjustment” To Marketing Strategy!
If you are a chiropractor struggling to make the money you’ve dreamed of, please know this:
Your lack of success IS NOT because you are not hip to the latest Google, Facebook, or YouTube tricks….
…or because you aren’t following the right guru…
….or spending enough time online checking your stats
…not even close!
Your success is being held hostage by something much more simple…
and easier to solve.
So Here is the Million Dollar Question:
Do you want to waste years (and thousands of dollars) running down the latest gimmick hoping it might give you an advantage over your competition?
Or are you ready to learn what will REALLY take your business to the next level?
Great… then let’s get started
From the Desk of: Gregg Zban
The chiropractors who rule their local markets know there is NO magic bullet or secret formula to making a substantial income. In fact… it’s pretty simple.
Here’s the formula: You bring in new patients, offer them a valuable service, and find the best way to keep them coming back again and again.
It’s really that simple.
The new patients aren’t hiding from you.
Getting online and getting your site ranked in Google isn’t some BIG secret anymore. Heck… you can get that information for free if you look hard enough.
And once you find new patients giving them quality care is exactly what you went to school for… so no big news there.
So why are some chiropractors rolling in dough while others struggle?
Here’s why: Most chiropractors fall short (and we’re talking about new DC’s to establish DC’s alike) when it come to one major thing……
Patient Retention!
And this is why the Benefits of Chiropractic Care patient education video is so successful turning new patients into returning patients … over and over again.
If there is a “magic bullet” for creating a business that thrives and grows like crazy (no matter what the economic conditions)…
… it is simply knowing how to educate your patients by showing them the true value of chiropractic care…
… and helping them understand that you’re the one they should be coming to. And they should be coming to you on a consistent basis (just like the dentist).
Fads Don’t Sell…. PERIOD!
They may generate interest, but fads won’t grow your business and bring people back over and over again.
Gimmicks and gadgets don’t sell. They might give you a temporary spike in patients but that is no way to build a long term business… is it?
Even attracting 10 new patients per week won’t work… if they cherry pick your special offer only to never be seen again (haven’t had that one happen to you have you -:))
The fact is… most chiropractors out there need a better way to convert new patients into paying, referring, and returning patients.
What if you attracted 20 new patients next month and 10 of them started coming back on a regular basis…
…because you had a tool that automatically educated them on the VALUE of regular chiropractic care…
What would THAT mean to your bottom line… $$$
It could easily mean thousands of dollars per month just …by educating new patients on the real benefits of consistent chiropractic care… and the most important part
…give them a reason to come back to your practice.
It’s not some highly guarded secret that new patients are much more costly to attract than current patients are to keep… everyone knows that is a fact.
But what is amazing is the fact that most chiropractors continue to focus more time, energy, and yes…. money on getting new patients through the door than keeping them coming back once they get there.
Why does this happen? Because most chiropractors are not taught marketing techniques in school. And even if you have some marketing experience chances are you are focusing most of your efforts on chiropractic care… not marketing.
And who would blame you….. you signed up to be a chiropractor, not a professional marketer.
While there is no question adding new patients is very important… the bottom line truth is you can’t build a thriving business unless you consistently bring your new patients back again…
… the model eventually breaks down.
Most of your patients will show up until they are feeling better… or no longer see a reason to return and then poof… they are gone with the wind, never to be seen again.
Well… we both know that won’t build the business of your dreams will it?. It might give you a small taste of the success you are seeking (from the sporadic influx of new patients)
…but unless you have a plan to retain them your business will most likely resemble a roller coaster…. with more peaks and valleys than you care to see.
So….you say…”I get all that, how do we fix the problem?”
and build the practice you’ve always dreamed of….with patients eagerly scheduling return visits on a consistent basis… just like the dentist?
Introducing The Perfect Turnkey Patient Retention Solution!
“The Benefits of Chiropractic Care” Patient Education DVD
“The Benefits of Chiropractic Care” is a short seven minute video on the benefits of regular chiropractic care that will flood your office with eager patients calling to schedule follow-up visits guaranteed.
Why? Because only the most successful practitioners are doing this…and doing it every single day. And we’re not talking scheduling one visit… but regular wellness visits to get healthy and stay healthy.
Why does this video work so well? Because we’ve designed this video to be light hearted, and sometimes even funny ( have to see the part about taking pills to counter act the effects of taking pills -:))….
… but the message is clear “healthy people include regular chiropractic care as part of their routine.
Below is a picture of the actual DVD and case
We recommend that you give this video to every new patient as they check out. Tell them “it is a free gift from us for coming in to our office today” and ask them to check it out.
…it has some valuable information and it will only take a few minutes to watch (and it’s pretty funny too so the kids will like it).
The Educational Points Discussed In The Video:
Who chiropractors can help (infants to the elderly)
The type of ailments chiropractic care can treat
What the healthiest people do to get and stay that way
The original chiropractic idea
Chiropractic care treats the cause not the symptom
How the body heals itself
Why regular chiropractic care is so important
… and more
“The Benefits of Chiropractic Care” was created for you to offer a fast, easy, and cost effective way to educate your new patients and turn them into repeat patients.
The video is only seven minutes long (… honestly, who will watch a twenty or thirty minute video…) and upbeat so the message is received in a fun and easy to understand way.
…you know… the kind of messages that STICK!
This video does more than just educate your new patients, it gives them a reason to return on a regular basis (just like the dentist).
And that means…
…More money
…More control
…More freedom
…less hours (schedule them in advance to fill your schedule and reduce your time at work
Your Purchase Includes:
Initial Setup (the name of your practice on each DVD cover!)
Your First 5 DVD Copies of “The Benefits of Chiropractic Care” So You Can Get Started Handing Them Out To Your New Patients.
Each DVD Comes With a DVD Case and is Professionally Wrapped in Cellophane and Ready to Give to Your Patient at Checkout.
That’s right! The price includes your first 5 customized DVD’s plus shipping and handling. There are no additional fees.
Place your first order now and start handing this valuable patient education video out to all your new patients and watch your retention (and your income) explode with repeat business.
It’s time to do what the most successful DC’s do on a regular basis… keep the patients the have… and keep adding more.
Don’t Lose Another Patient Because You Didn’t Give Them A Good REASON to Come Back To See You
… Give Them A Copy of This Video!!!
If you are serious about taking your chiropractic business to the next level, then it should include a compelling patient retention plan (and I have yet to see a successful chiropractic practice that doesn’t have one).
So don’t delay your success any longer…
Click the “add to cart” button now and watch your bottom line profits EXPLODE!
A $197 Value Now Only $47.00!
Wait! To Make Your Decision Even Easier I Am Going To DOUBLE YOUR ORDER!!!
I am so confident you are going to love this turnkey solution to your chiropractic patient education needs that I am going to double your order for the same price!
Not five (5) …. but ten (10) Chiropractic Patient Education DVD’s
with cases shipped directly to your office. Start handing them to your new patients right away.
Imagine converting just one or two new patients per month into repeat patients. You could easily cover the cost of this investment in the first week…and them some.
…and I am willing to put my money where my mouth is and back your purchase with a 100% money back guarantee!
If you aren’t totally convinced that the patient education video “The Benefits of Chiropractic Care” isn’t turning new patients into regular patients then the entire order is on us… (yep…everything… keep the 10 videos and we’ll send you a full refund….no questions asked
You have zero risk….notta…nothing…zippo
You either like it and it puts money in your pocket or it is FREE!
Now that sounds like an smart investment… wouldn’t you agree?
Great…. Click the “add to cart” button now and get started!
A $197 Value Now Only $47.00!